
C:\QtSDK1.2.1\mingw\bin>g++ --help=target
The following options are target specific:
  -m128bit-long-double        sizeof(long double) is 16
  -m32                        Generate 32bit i386 code
  -m3dnow                     Support 3DNow! built-in functions
  -m3dnowa                    Support Athlon 3Dnow! built-in functions
  -m64                        Generate 64bit x86-64 code
  -m80387                     Use hardware fp
  -m96bit-long-double         sizeof(long double) is 12
  -mabm                       Support code generation of Advanced Bit
                              Manipulation (ABM) instructions.
  -maccumulate-outgoing-args  Reserve space for outgoing arguments in the
                              function prologue
  -maes                       Support AES built-in functions and code generation
  -malign-double              Align some doubles on dword boundary
  -malign-functions=          Function starts are aligned to this power of 2
  -malign-jumps=              Jump targets are aligned to this power of 2
  -malign-loops=              Loop code aligned to this power of 2
  -malign-stringops           Align destination of the string operations
  -march=                     Generate code for given CPU
  -masm=                      Use given assembler dialect
  -mavx                       Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1,
                              SSE4.2 and AVX built-in functions and code
  -mbranch-cost=              Branches are this expensive (1-5, arbitrary units)
  -mcld                       Generate cld instruction in the function prologue.
  -mcmodel=                   Use given x86-64 code model
  -mconsole                   Create console application
  -mcx16                      Support code generation of cmpxchg16b instruction.
  -mcygwin                    Use the Cygwin interface
  -mdll                       Generate code for a DLL
  -mfancy-math-387            Generate sin, cos, sqrt for FPU
  -mfma                       Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1,
                              SSE4.2, AVX and FMA built-in functions and code
  -mforce-drap                Always use Dynamic Realigned Argument Pointer
                              (DRAP) to realign stack
  -mfp-ret-in-387             Return values of functions in FPU registers
  -mfpmath=                   Generate floating point mathematics using given
                              instruction set
  -mfused-madd                Enable automatic generation of fused floating
                              point multiply-add instructions if the ISA
                              supports such instructions.  The -mfused-madd
                              option is on by default.
  -mhard-float                Use hardware fp
  -mieee-fp                   Use IEEE math for fp comparisons
  -mincoming-stack-boundary=  Assume incoming stack aligned to this power of 2
  -minline-all-stringops      Inline all known string operations
  -minline-stringops-dynamically Inline memset/memcpy string operations, but
                              perform inline version only for small blocks
  -mlarge-data-threshold=     Data greater than given threshold will go into
                              .ldata section in x86-64 medium model
  -mmmx                       Support MMX built-in functions
  -mms-bitfields              Use native (MS) bitfield layout
  -mno-sse4                   Do not support SSE4.1 and SSE4.2 built-in
                              functions and code generation
  -mnop-fun-dllimport         Ignore dllimport for functions
  -momit-leaf-frame-pointer   Omit the frame pointer in leaf functions
  -mpc                        Set 80387 floating-point precision (-mpc32,
                              -mpc64, -mpc80)
  -mpclmul                    Support PCLMUL built-in functions and code
  -mpopcnt                    Support code generation of popcnt instruction.
  -mpreferred-stack-boundary= Attempt to keep stack aligned to this power of 2
  -mpush-args                 Use push instructions to save outgoing arguments
  -mrecip                     Generate reciprocals instead of divss and sqrtss.
  -mred-zone                  Use red-zone in the x86-64 code
  -mregparm=                  Number of registers used to pass integer arguments
  -mrtd                       Alternate calling convention
  -msahf                      Support code generation of sahf instruction in
                              64bit x86-64 code.
  -msoft-float                Do not use hardware fp
  -msse                       Support MMX and SSE built-in functions and code
  -msse2                      Support MMX, SSE and SSE2 built-in functions and
                              code generation
  -msse2avx                   Encode SSE instructions with VEX prefix
  -msse3                      Support MMX, SSE, SSE2 and SSE3 built-in
                              functions and code generation
  -msse4                      Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1 and
                              SSE4.2 built-in functions and code generation
  -msse4.1                    Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3 and SSE4.1
                              built-in functions and code generation
  -msse4.2                    Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1 and
                              SSE4.2 built-in functions and code generation
  -msse4a                     Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 and SSE4A built-in
                              functions and code generation
  -msse5                      Support SSE5 built-in functions and code
  -msseregparm                Use SSE register passing conventions for SF and
                              DF mode
  -mssse3                     Support MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 and SSSE3 built-in
                              functions and code generation
  -mstack-arg-probe           Enable stack probing
  -mstackrealign              Realign stack in prologue
  -mstringop-strategy=        Chose strategy to generate stringop using
  -mthreads                   Use Mingw-specific thread support
  -mtls-dialect=              Use given thread-local storage dialect
  -mtls-direct-seg-refs       Use direct references against %gs when accessing
                              tls data
  -mtune=                     Schedule code for given CPU
  -mveclibabi=                Vector library ABI to use
  -mwin32                     Set Windows defines
  -mwindows                   Create GUI application